Refining Your Ideas Using Thumbnail Drawings

Back in September, I presented the Mind Map method for developing ideas and help alleviate creative block. To add to this brainstorming process, I wanted to provide another handy guide to refining those ideas further.

During art school, I was often tasked with generating ideas through a process called thumbnail drawings. Like the title implies, these are small, quick sketches to jot down as many ideas as possible in a short amount of time. This step was required before presenting a rough draft to the professor (or now, clients) for approval. Over the years, I continued to apply this technique for projects to flush out concepts and land on the best solution faster.

Old thumbnail concept drawings from my art school days.

As a building block for your creativity, please try this free Thumbnail Idea Template below. First, start with the Creative Brainstorming Exercise, then pick 1-2 of your best ideas followed by the new Thumbnail Idea Template. Draw your ideas out in under 15 minutes. Repeat the process by taking your top idea and refining that further with another copy of the template. Have fun!

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Further Reading

Tony Buzan, The Mind Map Book.